Current Issue
The 11th TECHNIUM International Conference
Technium Science is the publishing partener of
International Conference on Sustainable Future and Environmental Science (EsiTech), 17-18 March 2023, Bucharest, Romania
In partnership for publication with Technium Science.
In 2023 authors from institutions below participated in the conference session:
- Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
- Constanta Maritime University
- Cultural Sciences Faculty, Sam Ratulangi University
- Cultural Studies Faculty
- Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education
- José María Arguedas National University, Peru
- Naval Academy, Constanta
- Udayana University
- University César Vallejo, Lima, Peru
- University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
The objectives of EsiTech Conference are to bring together association members from industry, research, and education, and to provide a networking opportunity for researchers active in this domain.
EsiTech Conference is an International pluridisciplinary Conference aimed to be a forum for information exchange between scientists from academic, research and development communities around the world on topics related to sustainable future and technologies, equipment, technologies and policies for environmental development, renewable energy sources conversion and other technical domains.
Selected papers from EsiTech 2023 are published in:1. IOP EES -International Conference on Sustainable Future and Environmental Science 17/03/2023 - 18/03/2023 Bucharest, Romania
2. Technium Journals - (Ebsco, CrossRef, ROAD, Index Copernicus,)
3. TechHub Journal - (Google Scholar, ROAD, Index Copernicus)
Conference contact email:
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing Team
Sustainable Future and Technology Development
Technium international Conference is a place to share valuable ideas and develop new colaborations. Technium Science will provide all participants a firm platform for a meaningful academic, industrial, social and cultural experience.