The 8th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 8 (2021)Dear TECHNIUM Friends,
It is with great delight we welcome you to the 8th TECHNIUM International Conference in partnership with Universi Utara Malaysia (UUM).
The conference will cover a wide range of multidisciplinary topics:
- Chemistry in Marine Industry and Education
- Commercial and Naval Ship Technology
- Control & Automation Technologies
- Design and Manufacturing
- Energy Conversion & Management
- Environmental protection and sustainable development
- Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer Systems
- Management in Shipping & Port Operations
- Mathematics in Marine Industry and Education
- Multimodal Transportation
- Naval Architecture & Offshore Technologies
- Sustainable Transportation
- Threats to ecosystems
- Maritime health
- Marine biodiversity and bioprospecting
- Optimisation of Systems & CAD/CAM/CAE/CFD
- Structural Materials
- Technologies in Engineering
- Social Sciences
- Other topics related to conference
At 8th TECHNIUM 2021, academia and industry will gather to share valuable ideas and develop new colaborations. TECHNIUM 2021 will provide all participants a firm platform for a meaningful academic, industrial, social and cultural experience for the conference participation.
Conference date 27-28.03.2021/ 10.00 AM GMT
We look forward to welcoming you in the e-conference hosted by Technium Science & Universi Utara Malaysia (UUM)!
Conference session will start on 27.03.2021 / 10.00 AM GMT and will use Webex Software.Make sure you get the right date and time for conference start:
UK, Portugal, Cameroon 11.00 AM
Spain 11.00 AM
Germany 11.00 AM
Romania 12.00 AM
Turkey 1.00 PM
Iran 02.30 PM
India 03.30 PM
Malaysia 06.00 PM
Japan 07.00 PM
Sydney time 09.00 PM
Session coordinated by Dr. Raamani Thannimalai
All authors are invited to publish research manuscripts with us.Send your article for review to
Selected articles will be published in:
1. International Journal of Instruction, Technology and Social Sciences
2. Technium Journals
3. Advances in Bioresearch 0976-4585
4. Thermal Science Journal
5. International Journal of Current Research and Review
Simple registration! Submit completed form or send it to
Conference Form
Conference publishing workflow:
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing TeamWhatsApp Messenger +44 790 281 2729 (Messages Only)
The 10th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 10 (2021)The 10th TECHNIUM International Conference
EsiTech 2021 The last volume was already posted and Clarivate indexed: objectives of EsiTech Conference are to bring together association members from industry, research, and education, and to provide a networking opportunity for researchers active in this domain.
EsiTech Conference is an International pluridisciplinary Conference aimed to be a forum for information exchange between scientists from academic, research and development communities around the world on topics related to sustainable future and technologies, equipment, technologies and policies for environmental development, renewable energy sources conversion and other technical domains.
Contact email:
Topics for this session:
- Advanced Structural Materials
- Advanced Technologies in Engineering
- CAD/CAM/CAE/CFD & Optimisation of Systems
- Chemistry in Marine Industry and Education
- Control & Automation Technologies
- Design and Manufacturing
- Energy Conversion & Management
- Environmental protection and sustainable development
- Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer Systems
- Management in Shipping & Port Operations
- Mathematics in Marine Industry and Education
- Multimodal Transportation
- Naval Architecture & Offshore Technologies
- Naval Engineering & Navigation
- Physics in Marine Industry and Education
- Climate and ecology
- Energy
- Environmental chemistry
- Environmental health
- Environmental risk assessment
- Environmental engineering, sustainability, and green technology
- Infrastructure and Sustainability
- School and University Education for Sustainable Future
- Natural resources
- Policy, socioeconomics, and law
- Pollution
- Water and hydrology
- Atmospheric science and meteorology
- Climatology and paleoclimatology
- Other related topics
- Short Name: EsiTech 2021
- Event Type: Online Conference
- Location: Bucharest, Romania
Registered authors distribution below:
Esitech 2021 Conference participation fee is 50 euro. You will receive a certificate of participation. Selected papers from EsiTech 2021 will be published in:1. IOP EES - publishing fee 250 euro (ISI- CPCI, SCOPUS)
Last session published here:
2. Technium Journals - publishing fee 150 euro (Ebsco, CrossRef, ROAD, Index Copernicus,)
3. TechHub Journal - publishing fee 100 euro (Google Scholar, ROAD, Index Copernicus)
3. Conference presentation only without publishing - fee 50 euro.
(Posting on conference website PPT / PDF 4 slides presentation and access to session)
For more details please contact EsiTech 2021 Conference using mail:
Published papers in IOP EES here
Published papers in Technium Business and Management here
Published papers in Technium Sustainability here
Published papers in Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology here
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing Team -
The 11th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 11 (2023)The 11th TECHNIUM International Conference
Technium Science is the publishing partener of
International Conference on Sustainable Future and Environmental Science (EsiTech), 17-18 March 2023, Bucharest, Romania
In partnership for publication with Technium Science.
In 2023 authors from institutions below participated in the conference session:
- Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
- Constanta Maritime University
- Cultural Sciences Faculty, Sam Ratulangi University
- Cultural Studies Faculty
- Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education
- José María Arguedas National University, Peru
- Naval Academy, Constanta
- Udayana University
- University César Vallejo, Lima, Peru
- University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
The objectives of EsiTech Conference are to bring together association members from industry, research, and education, and to provide a networking opportunity for researchers active in this domain.
EsiTech Conference is an International pluridisciplinary Conference aimed to be a forum for information exchange between scientists from academic, research and development communities around the world on topics related to sustainable future and technologies, equipment, technologies and policies for environmental development, renewable energy sources conversion and other technical domains.
Selected papers from EsiTech 2023 are published in:1. IOP EES -International Conference on Sustainable Future and Environmental Science 17/03/2023 - 18/03/2023 Bucharest, Romania
2. Technium Journals - (Ebsco, CrossRef, ROAD, Index Copernicus,)
3. TechHub Journal - (Google Scholar, ROAD, Index Copernicus)
Conference contact email:
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing Team -
The 5th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 5 (2020)Dear TECHNIUM Friends,
It is with great delight we welcome you to the 5th TECHNIUM International Conference, general topic: New decade on Social Sciences, Sustainable Future and Technology Development (5th TECHNIUM 2020) online on July 18, 2020.
Under the main theme “New decade on Social Sciences, Sustainable Future and Technology Development” the conference will cover the diverse disciplines of Social Sciences and Applied Sciences from the present to the future.
At 5th TECHNIUM 2020, academia and industry will gather to share valuable ideas and develop new colaborations. TECHNIUM 2020 will provide all participants a firm platform for a meaningful academic, industrial, social and cultural experience.Conference date 18.07.2020
We look forward to welcoming you in the e-conference hosted by Technium Science!
Conference session will start on 18.07.2020 / 10.00 AM GMT and will use Webex Software.
Make sure you get the right date and time for conference start:
UK, Portugal, Cameroon 18.07.2020 / 11.00 AM
Spain 18.07.2020 / 12.00 AM
Germany, Egypt 18.07.2020 / 12.00 AM
Ukraine, Romania, Turkey 18.07.2020 / 1.00 PM
Iran 18.07.2020 / 02.30 PM
India 18.07.2020 / 03.30 PM
Japan 18.07.2020 / 07.00 PM
Sydney time 18.07.2020 / 08.00 PM
This sesion will be moderated by Assistant Professor Sheeja Nair.
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing Team -
The 7th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 7 (2020)Dear TECHNIUM Friends,
It is with great delight we welcome you to the 7th TECHNIUM International Conference in partnership with ESITECH 2020 Conference.
Under the main theme “International Conference on Sustainable Future and Environmental Science” the conference will cover the diverse disciplines of Applied Sciences from the present to the future.
At 7th TECHNIUM 2020, academia and industry will gather to share valuable ideas and develop new colaborations. TECHNIUM 2020 will provide all participants a firm platform for a meaningful academic, industrial, social and cultural experience for the conference participation.Conference date 16-18.10.2020/ 10.00 AM GMT
We look forward to welcoming you in the e-conference hosted by Technium Science & TechHub Research!
Update! Volume published online
Conference session will start on 17.10.2020 / 10.00 AM GMT and will use Webex Software.Make sure you get the right date and time for conference start:
UK, Portugal, Cameroon 11.00 AM
Spain 12.00 AM
Germany, Egypt 12.00 AM
Ukraine, Romania, Turkey 1.00 PM
Iran 02.30 PM
India 03.30 PM
Japan 07.00 PM
Sydney time 08.00 PM
Session coordinated by Dr. Raamani Thannimalai and Assistant Professor Sheeja Nair
Moderated by Katalin Puskas Khetani
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing Team -
The 9th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 9 (2021)Dear TECHNIUM Friends,
It is with great delight we welcome you to the 9th TECHNIUM International Conference in partnership with Eximia PUB.
Key Speaker Mr. Suresh Aluvihara email:
The conference will cover a wide range of multidisciplinary topics:
- Chemistry in Marine Industry and Education
- Commercial and Naval Ship Technology
- Control & Automation Technologies
- Design and Manufacturing
- Energy Conversion & Management
- Environmental protection and sustainable development
- Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer Systems
- Management in Shipping & Port Operations
- Mathematics in Marine Industry and Education
- Multimodal Transportation
- Naval Architecture & Offshore Technologies
- Sustainable Transportation
- Threats to ecosystems
- Maritime health
- Marine biodiversity and bioprospecting
- Optimisation of Systems & CAD/CAM/CAE/CFD
- Structural Materials
- Technologies in Engineering
- Social Sciences
- Other topics related to conference
At 9th TECHNIUM 2021, academia and industry will gather to share valuable ideas and develop new colaborations. TECHNIUM 2021 will provide all participants a firm platform for a meaningful academic, industrial, social and cultural experience for the conference participation.
Conference date 30-31.10.2021/ 10.00 AM GMT
Conference session will use Webex / Zoom Software.Make sure you get the right date and time for conference start:
UK, Portugal, Cameroon 11.00 AM
Spain 11.00 AM
Germany 11.00 AM
Romania 12.00 AM
Turkey 1.00 PM
Iran 02.30 PM
India 03.30 PM
Malaysia 06.00 PM
Japan 07.00 PM
Sydney time 09.00 PM
Session coordinated by Technium Editor.
All authors are invited to publish research manuscripts with us.Send your article for review to
Selected articles will be published in:
1. Technium Journals
2. Advances in Bioresearch 0976-4585
3. Thermal Science Journal
4. International Journal of Current Research and Review
5. Eximia Journal - Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Simple registration! Submit completed form or send it to
Conference fee reduced for early registration to 30 Euro.
Conference Form
Conference publishing workflow:
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing TeamWhatsApp Messenger +44 790 281 2729 (Messages Only)
The 4th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 4 (2020)The 4th TECHNIUM International Conference session took place online using Webex Cisco.
The conference date: 30.05.2020, 10:00 GMT. We will post on the conference website all materials, presentation in pdf, video presentation, title and abstract and all other materials that authors share with the conference participants! This is how Technium Science will increase international visibility of your research.
Thank you for your participation!
Technium Science Youtube Channel
Best regards
TECHNIUM International Conference Committee
The 6th TECHNIUM International Conference
Vol. 6 (2020)Dear TECHNIUM Friends,
It is with great delight we welcome you to the 6th TECHNIUM International Conference, general topic: New decade on Social Sciences, Sustainable Future and Technology Development (6th TECHNIUM 2020) online on August 29-30, 2020.
Under the main theme “New decade on Social Sciences, Sustainable Future and Technology Development” the conference will cover the diverse disciplines of Social Sciences and Applied Sciences from the present to the future.
At 6th TECHNIUM 2020, academia and industry will gather to share valuable ideas and develop new colaborations. TECHNIUM 2020 will provide all participants a firm platform for a meaningful academic, industrial, social and cultural experience.Conference date 29-30.08.2020
This session will promote also the partnership with Instituto Internacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Educativo (INDTEC-Venezuela-Ecuador).
We look forward to welcoming you in the e-conference hosted by Technium Science!
Conference session will start on 29.08.2020 / 10.00 AM GMT and will use Webex Software.
Make sure you get the right date and time for conference start:
UK, Portugal, Cameroon 29.08.2020 / 11.00 AM
Spain 29.08.2020 / 12.00 AM
Germany, Egypt 29.08.2020 / 12.00 AM
Ukraine, Romania, Turkey 29.08.2020 / 1.00 PM
Iran 29.08.2020 / 02.30 PM
India 29.08.2020 / 03.30 PM
Japan 29.08.2020 / 07.00 PM
Sydney time 29.08.2020 / 08.00 PM
Session coordinated by Assistant Professor Sheeja Nair.
Moderated by Dr. Raamani Thannimalai
Sincerely yours,
TECHNIUM Organizing Team