Vol. 8 (2024): Cross-disciplinarity in research of sustainability, environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings

					View Vol. 8 (2024): Cross-disciplinarity in research of sustainability, environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings

This volume is an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development. It is published online by Technium Science in 2022. The journal encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research relating to natural sciences, social sciences and humanities in as much detail as possible in order to promote academic research. 

Technium Sustainability (ISSN: 2810-2991) is a new way of journal publishing with support for research proposals and research ideas. We ask authors to send manuscripts communicating to a broader audience with regard to research projects financed with public funds.

Issues of Technium Sustainability (ISSN: 2810-2991) are regarded as officially published after their release is announced.

PDF is the official format for papers published in Technium Sustainability (ISSN: 2810-2991). To view the papers in pdf format, click on the "PDF" link, and use the free Adobe Readerexternal link to open them.

Published: 2024-09-29
