Publication Ethics

Technium: Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology (ISSN: 2668-778X) adheres to and follows the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing laid out in the guidelines and Core Practices stated by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the instructions of European Association of Science Editors All parties respect confidentiality and do not reveal any information except for the necessary details during publishing process. All parties should avoid conflict of interests and if they are aware of such, should inform the Editor-in-chief using email: editor[at]techniumscience[dot]com

Ethical Statement

The authors consciously assure that the submitted papers are the authors’ original work which has not been either previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. All parties respect confidentiality and do not reveal any information except for the necessary details during publishing process. All parties should avoid conflict of interests and if they are aware of such, should inform the Editor-in-chief and/or other members of the editorial board.

Authors' Responsibilities

All authors must take public responsibility for the content of their paper. Authors have a responsibility to give due acknowledgement to all workers contributing to the work, including technical staff and data professionals. Those who have contributed significantly to the research should be listed as co-authors. On submission of the manuscript, the corresponding author attests to the fact that those named as co-authors have agreed to its submission for publication and accepts the responsibility for having properly included all (and only) co-authors.

The author should respect integrity and present only their original work, all results should be authentic, and all sources of information clearly stated/identified. The authors should submit their work solely to the Journal and they confirm that their manuscript is not being considered for publication or previously published elsewhere.

In case the author detects an error or inaccuracy in their already published work, they must inform the Editor-in-chief promptly and work to correct or refute the manuscript according scientific standards.

Authors should gather and interpret the data in their manuscripts in an honest way. The submitted manuscripts should not contain scientific dishonesty and/or fraud comprising among others fictitious or manipulated data, plagiarized material (either from the previous work of the authors or that of other persons), reference omissions, false priority statements, 'hidden' multiple publication of the same data and incorrect authorship. Authors must not breach any copyright. When reproducing figures and/or schemes from previous publications, it is the author's responsibility to seek appropriate permission from the relevant publishers. The submitted manuscripts should not contain content related to military or defense.

It is the Authors’ responsibility to give due recognition to published work relating to their submitted manuscript by way of correct reference and citation.


Authors should ensure that their submitted articles contain no personal criticism of other scientists; however, criticism of the work of another scientist may be justified; an article may not contain any defamatory or otherwise actionable material.

Authors are kindly asked to provide accurate and detailed funding information and clear acknowledgement of funder support. The funding information increases the visibility of your work and increase funding transparency.

Please carefully check the spelling and format of all author names, affiliations and funding information. If your paper is accepted for publication, it is important this information to be accurate to ensure your article is correctly indexed, which may affect citations and future funding evaluation.


Editors' Responsibilities

Editors should treat the submitted manuscripts fairly and professionally throughout the peer review process and beyond.

Editors should always aim to be objective and impartial. Editor-in-chief has the right to reject or manuscript or send for revision and make final decision relying on/considering the reviewers’ recommendation. The manuscripts are assessed regardless of the authors gender, religion, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality and/or political views. In case of proven plagiarism, fabrication, falsification and/or inventing data or findings, the Editor-in-chief has the right to reject the manuscript straight away. The Editor-in-chief could seek comments from arbitrary reviewer in case of conflicting reviews. If a complaint is filed, an investigation might be conducted. Editor’s decision about an appeal is final and an appeal regarding the same scientific case could not be made for the second time. All editors should avoid conflict of interests, if aware they of such they should inform other members of the editorial board firsthand.

The Editor or members of the Editorial Board may occasionally submit their own manuscripts for possible publication in the journal. In these cases, the peer review process will be managed by alternative members of the Board and the submitting Editor/Board member are not involved in the decision-making process.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

The reviewers should treat the manuscript as confidential. The manuscript (or its existence) should not be shown to, disclosed to, or discussed with others, except in special cases, where specific scientific advice may be sought; in that event the editor must be informed and the identities of those consulted disclosed. Information acquired by a reviewer from such a paper is not available for disclosure or citation until the paper is published. The reviewers should judge the manuscript objectively and in a timely fashion. They should not make personal criticism in their reviews.

If reviewers encounter conflict of interests, they should immediately inform the Editor in Chief. Specifically, reviewers should not review manuscripts authored or co-authored by a person with whom the reviewer has a close personal or professional relationship if this relationship could be reasonably thought to bias the review.


The reviewers should explain and support their judgements so that editors and authors may understand the basis of their comments, and to provide reference to published work, where appropriate.

They should ensure that all unpublished data, information, interpretation and discussion in a submitted article remain confidential and not to use reported work in unpublished, submitted articles for their own research. They also should alert the editor if a manuscript contains or appears to contain plagiarized material, falsified or manipulated data.  For this reason, all the received submissions are checked using the Plagiarism Detector service, to identify overlapping and similar text.