Extended reality technologies for sustainable development and administration of cultural spaces


  • Alex Butean Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Anca Morar University Politehnica of Bucharest
  • Andrei Daian Industrial Software Sibiu
  • Alin Moldoveanu University Politehnica of Bucharest


culture, development, sustainable, technology


Cultural spaces are fascinating because they attract visitors through traditional, unconventional or unique exhibitions. Some of these places have not changed for years, and others are using new technologies to constantly improve in order to attract visitors and offer new perspectives.

In recent years, cultural spaces like museums and exhibitions are adding virtual tours, virtual reality expositions or even augmented reality experiences for their attractions. Managing new technologies is always a challenge. The administration and management of content, virtual visits, monetization strategy and online integration is a constant but necessary struggle for managers and directors. Due to COVID-19, during the first half of 2020, cultural spaces have experienced a dramatic drop in the number of visits. Under these conditions finding sustainable innovative approaches already became a top priority for many cultural spaces that are looking to shift their business models and adapt to change.

Cultreal is a multi-purpose platform meant to support the integration of extended reality technologies with the day-to-day activities of cultural spaces. Cultreal modules include localization technologies (for both indoor and outdoor spaces), object recognition, content management system, mobile applications and integration capabilities with other digital services and extended reality devices.  This integrated platform is still under development but it opens the road towards new sustainable development models for cultural spaces.

This work was supported by the grant “Ecosistem de cercetare, inovare si dezvoltare de produse si servicii TIC pentru o societate conectata la Internet of Things–NETIO” (MySMIS Code = 105976), subsidiary contract “Platforma imersiva de realitate virtuala si augmentata pentru spatii culturale–CultReal”, Number 4192/18.03.2019.





Sustainable Future and Technology Development